Sunday, February 3, 2008

Lazarus Group

This spring the Boston Cohort will be hosting a Lazarus at the Gate bible study starting on Wednesday Feb 13th at 7pm. This is sponsored by the Boston Faith and Justice Network. The blurb about the group states that “it is a discipleship group intended to encourage ‘’rich'’ Christians to seek justice in our relationship with those who are poor, starting with our own lifestyles.”
The study will cover:
* Old and New Testament themes regarding wealth and poverty
* Reflecting on our own budgets and consumer habits
* Exploring responsible consumerism, fair trade, and simplicity as components of a globally just lifestyle
* Practical ways to respond to poverty and hunger from relief and development to political advocacy

- So far we have about 10 people committed so let me know pretty soon if you are interested, I think there is a optimal number of people that would be good for the study, but we could probably work something out if there is a lot of interest.

We will be doing this Bible study every Weds but the last one of the month from 7-8:30 pm. Then from 8:30-9:30pm we’ll have our regular weekly cohort meetings. (At least that’’s the plan for now). The purpose for this split in times is so that those of you who want to commit to the Bible study can, but so that we are also able to stay flexible and welcoming to newcomers. The study will go for about 10 sessions, and wrap up by the end of April.

We will be meeting this Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Sarah’’s Apartment: (5A Durham ST. #3, Somerville) because this week is Ash Wednesday. Then after that we will be meeting on Wednesdays for the rest of the semester, except for the last Tuesday of the month when we will meet with the larger Boston Cohort. FYI: This meeting will be taking place also at Sarah’’s (address above) and not Danny’’s this month, it will occur on Feb 26, 7pm.

Try to make it on Tuesday if you think you might be interested in the study because hopefully Andy from the BFJN will be visiting to present the material to us (if not, I have it, so we can still look at it) so that you can see if it is something you would be interested in.

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